Our Commitment To Privacy
At Eparks.org your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices.
The Information We Collect:
Log Files
Similar to the majority of other internet websites, we gather and make use of the information included in log files. The information in log files normally include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as Earthlink or RoadRunner), the internet browser you used in order to go to our site (such as Google Crome or Internet Explorer), the time you visited our website and which webpages you visited while on our site.
Occasionally, Eparks.org uses Crazyegg tracking javascript on some pages of our site to understand what links our visitors are clicking on. This helps us optimize our content for the best user experience. The Crazy egg script may store a cookie on your computer. This cookie may contain a session ID, a visitor ID and a few other dynamically created parameters that allow Crazyegg to track our site's traffic accurately. No personal information is stored within the cookie. For Crazy Egg's complete Privacy Policy please visit http://www.crazyegg.com/privacy.
Eparks.org earns revenue from using Skimlinks. We sometimes are paid commissions if you purchase a product or service we link to in our content. We use Skimlinks to help us automate the process of linking to products. To learn more about Skimlinks you can visit their site at http://skimlinks.com/
All product and services purchased on third party web sites are subject to the policies and procedures of those websites. Purchase completion and customer service relevant to purchases placed at any of those third party web sites, as well as the collection of applicable sales taxes, will be the sole obligation of those websites. Any concerns relating to order fulfillment, privacy policies, customer service, or various other issues relating to these third party web based retail sites need to be directed to the Webmaster or the administrator of those websites.
If you need to contact us regarding this privacy policy or any other subject related to this website please email us at webmaster@eparks.org